Luke Leuschner    


Photo credits (top to bottom, L to R): Leuschner Collection. 
Kodachrome and the everyday camera liberated the means of photography. And California provided a lot to photograph. 

Over the past few years, I have spent various free time digitizing the thousands of Kodachrome and Ektachrome slides that my grandparents left behind upon their passing. My family grew up in Los Angeles in the post-war era of aerospace, cloverleaf interchanges, and Eames chairs. My grandmother, who was rather relentless with the camera, photographed a lot of it. 

There is nothing particularly serious about this project, but I have always thought of it more as an examination of Mid-century California, its people, places, and things, and by extension, what it means to be a “Californian.”

Is California all sunshine? Or is it a Billy Wilder noir script? I’m not exactly sure, but as work my way through a few thousand more slides, perhaps I’ll have a better answer.